Page 4 of 4 'so it begins' v1.0 Revolution started on: 03/20/2006 3:47 AM BodyGuard Proudly Presents: "REVOLUTION" Monster Pack 

MP is heavy modded everything is changed & unlocked etc....
Space: - Total Space: 9MB, - Used Space: 7.5MB, - Free Space: 1.5MB
Software: - S/W : R373_G_0E.30.48R - Flex: BG_Revolution48R_V1.0 - DSP : 623BAB0 - Quand Band GSM
Language Pack: - Magic_Font: English, Serbian, BrazilianPT, German, French (Tnx to spoof for font)
iTunes: 2.8 with advanced feautures: - 1000 song limit - Beatiful 'BlueTunes' skin edited by me - autoplay call resume - sms alarm up to 4 sim cards (read "iTunes SMS alarm activation.txt" to learn how to activate that future) - you need to edit your pds if you want to transfer iTunes music via iTunes6 PC... or you can upload music manualy to B/mobile/audio & run java application motoTunes included in MP!
 Light Player: - Nice skin special for my MP's - Good alternative sound player (for those who don't like iTunes)
Dual_boot: 2 boot loaders: - First normal default boot loader "*"+"#"+"red button" - Second special 07.D0 boot loader that can work even if battery is low you! - You can run special boot loader holding "Green" button & pressing Two times "RED" Button boot screen: - nice pink boot screen wallpaper (by tasty_boy, tnx bro)
DRM graphic: - DRM MIX by me (few good DRM's mixed up)
Skins: - AVision (3x3 skin with own icons) - Moto-symbian White (3x3 skins with own icons) - Aqua 2006 (3x3 skin with own icons)
Startup&Shutdown anim&sound: - animation based on revolution between E398 & E1 ROKR - by me - Sound based on Moby - matrix theme.mp3 - by me
Multimedia: - 15 wallpapers - 2 screen savers - 12 MP3's - a lot of midi's - 1 Video (kanye west-touch the sky)
Javas: 15 java 'programs' - Dictaphone, GlobalTime, iPhone Explorer, J2mim, JBenchmark2, LightPlayer, mig33, motoTunes, Opera Mini-eng, Opera Mini-pt, ReadManiac, Students Calculator, Tapewatch, Timers 4 java games - CyberBlood,LMA Manager 2006, VirusHorror, X-Men Legends II
Gain Table & Vibe Files: - Very, ultra cool gain_table by sysmaster (tnx bro) - + mine extra low vibe files - = perfect loud & clear sound with great bass :) Best sound ever!
FAQ: - You don't wanna do Master Clear or Master Reset Trust me!!! :> - Right stick, HomeKey is set as VideoCamera & it's not workin - please go to settings/personalise/home screen/home keys/Right & put any other shorcut! - your standby time showinng e.g. "11:30 WM" insteed of "11:30 PM" - please go to settings/intial setup/time & date & change time from am/pm to 24hr! - you can't write letters you have some issue or black boxes - please while you in message or any editor press menu/entry setup/ & choose any other Tap or iTap! This is just small things that you can do by yourself & they will be fixed in next versions... tnx Credits: - Tasty_boy (Big Credits for a lot of stuffs...) - Sysmaster (for gain_table) - Vilco (for dual_boot) - Yorvi (for info about patching dual_boot) - philipetrov (for cleaning up memory & iTunes stuffs ) .......... & all others who on some ways helped me to make this master piece :)
& oh yeah download links :D
Phone E398: With iTunes: Click here
No iTunes: Click here
Phone ROKR E1: Click here
tnx "aze2learn" for patching it :)
I done my job!!! now it's your job to flash this & enjoy in beauty :)
By BodyGuard <!--[if !vml]--> <!--[endif]-->
MP is dedicated to my ex-president of SiCG "Slobodan Milosevic"! Rest in Peace!