Page 2 of 4 Visit & give me support on: Official Forum Tread 'here we go again' v3.0 Revolution going on again: 04/24/2006 3:07 PM
BodyGuard & lucazz PROUDLY presents: REVOLUTION Moto-iPod v3.0 Afther flashing v3.0 please download 23.05.2006 Revolution v3.0 UPDATE click here to download or here (it will fix some bugs in 0032 seem & it will improve sound & album artwork) This time story is different .... now is Revolution beetween Motorola & iPOD & lucazz helped me a lot with design & multimedia & other stuff.... so yea we are maded MP together!!!
    here is what we changed from v2.0 to v3.0 ;) Software - S/W : R373_G_0E.30.48R - Flex: Revolution_Moto-iPod_v3.0 - DSP : 623BAB0 - Quand Band GSM
Space: - Total Space:~9.3MB, Used Space: ~8.3MB, Free Space: ~1MB
Smart key, Voice key, Voice Commands, Itunes Lights -Button at left side is set as Voice Key.. so you can use it for Voice Dial, Voice Recording & Voice Commands Make some shorcut .. go to tools/shorcuts/ edit that shorcut you will see new Voice Shorcut future... edit it .. than you can run voice comand pressing Menu + Voice key button -Camera key at Right side is set to Smart key & as camera.. So when you are in iTunes Hide mode.. if you press camera.. you will get iTunes Light show - T-mobile button is set as iTunes (good for people who have that button) Language Pack: -R373_LP_English_Russian_BrazilianPortugues (Digital font) why only that 3 languages ? because they are most used.... & MP is faster with less languages... (sorry I could't put SERBIAN language .. cause it can't work with this font)
iTunes: -iTunes 16.04.2006 (newest iTunes at the moment with all advanced features & nice main/ishell skin) when you are in iTunes press "0" zero button & you will enter iShell Read itunes sms alarm instruction.txt for how to activate sms alarm.. If you don't like iTunes just delete it with Motomidman & use LightPlayer
Dual_boot: 2 boot loaders: - First normal default boot loader "*"+"#"+"red button" - Second special 07.D0 boot loader that can work even if battery is low! - You can run special boot loader holding "Green" button & pressing Two times "RED" Button This is awesome future... you can Charge your battery in duall boot!!! & you can always flash with this Bootloader!
Boot screen: -New nice bootscreen (iPOD based)
Startup&Shutdown anim&sound: - new animation/sounds (Moto-iPod based)
DRM -iGrey DRM (little edit Transparent icons)
Skins: 0iGrey (3x3 menu), tnx MotoToxa Road (1x1 menu), tnx Andrey89 Motosymbian-iTunes (3x3 menu) tnx Euk Спасибо (little edit in iTunes HIDE mode & some other edits)
Multimedia: -wallpapers (18 wp) -animations (2 cool animation) -sounds (13 mp3 ringtones) -Videos (Akon ft. obie trice - snitch, Fergie with ROKR)
Java: -Applications: Global time, Alarm Clock, Irecorder, mig33, Opera Mini, Phone Manager, Readmaniac, ROKR LightPlayer, Students calculator, Tapewatch, WL irc 2 beta.
-Games: 2006 reall footbal, Autobahn racer, Bounce Back, Flexis kryak, mission impossible III, Pinball Gain Table: -Sysmaster Gain Table with NEW ULTRA, ULTRA, ULTRA low vibe files :) (now sound is even better)
SIM cards: You should be able now to change Sim card & you will not lose Messages stored on phone (not tested)
Page cannot be displayed You should be able to browse wap pages in Moto Browser.. (not tested) if you still have problem with WAP pages.. use Opera Mini
Known Bug's so far: - You don't wanna do Master Clear or Master Reset Trust me!!! :> (tested :D) -The most of Bugs from v2.0 are fixed in v3.0 !!!
Credits: -MotoToxa (for wonderfull iGrey skin & iGrey DRM) -Andrey89 ([i]for ROAD skin) - Euk (for motosymbian-iTune skin) -collaps & maxyn ([i]for iTunes & ishell skin) -girithaara (for some some Wallpaper & helping in design.. many you are PRO ;) ) -Zra, fearsim, bobzila, EXP... (thank you guys for a lot of stuff & design lucazz ;) )
& all crew from momo, hofo, motofan, supertrub. sity... & other great comunities :) & all other who in some way helped to creation of this amazing MP :)
Phone E398: Click here or here
Phone ROKR E1: Click here e398mod & gocellular
By: BodyGuard & lucazz