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Revolution v4.0 + old versions
Saturday, 17 June 2006
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Revolution v4.0 + old versions
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'so it continues'v2.0
Revolution continued on: 03/27/2006 3:47 AM

BodyGuard PROUDLY presents: REVOLUTION v2.0




changes from v1.0 to v2.0:

-Total Space: 9MB, Used  Space: 7.5MB, Free  Space: 1.5MB

-R373_LP - English - Srpski - Spanish - BrazilianPortugues - German - French_newFont

-iTunes 2.8.1 (newest iTunes at the moment with all advanced features & Skin)
If you don't like iTunes just delete it with Motomidman

-New nice bootscreen

-BodyGuard_DRM_Mix3 (edited drm)

-Skins: 0Tunes, Yz, Chellenger, xenonAB,! (all skins are 3x4! first 3 skins are with own icons)

-New wallpapers, Few new sounds, New Video (by me)

-New java mototunes 0.5.0b  (Midlet which scans your /b/mobile/audio folder and updates your iTunes database)

-Gain table one level lower (now sound is better... your phone will not burn out)

- & other stuffs... (a lot of other minor fixes)

-The most of Bugs from v1.0 are fixed in v2.0 !!!
((except that thing about WAP (page cannot be displayed) & IM (ISP settings) if somebody know how to solve it ... please contact me!))

Phone E398:
Revolution v2.0 48R MP for E398
or click here 

Phone ROKR E1:
Click here


Last Updated ( Thursday, 05 April 2007 )
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