Home Tutorials Connecting your phone properly
Connecting your phone properly |
Friday, 24 March 2006 |
Ok recently I have come across a lot of people saying that their phone cannot connect to the computer so I am writing this to all of those people in need of some guidance.
What You Need: P2K Tools USB Cable e398 Preferably XP SP 2 (I find that it picks up your phone more easily)
EDIT: Make sure you have your sim pin off and that your usb settings are set to data/fax connection (found in settings->connectivity->usb->data/fax connection
What You Do: 1. Open P2K Tools. 2. Plug in your phone. 3. A bubble should pop up saying that it has found your e398. 4. A wizard will pop up asking to find a driver. 5. Select the second option where you choose the folder for windows to search. 6. Click browse and direct the search to the folder named "Drv" in the P2K folder. 7. Let it search of a minute and it will find the driver required. 8. Disconnect your phone. 9. Plug in your phone again. 10. Another bubble should pop up saying that it found new hardware..3 of them infact. 11. The wizard will pop up again so direct it back to that same folder. 12. After clicking finish another wizard should come up... just repeat the process untill a bubble pops up saying that the new hardware is installed and ready to use. 13. Uplug your phone again. 14. Plug it back in and P2K Tools should connect. 15. There you have it your in business, you can use any other software you want as your phone is now all hooked up and ready to go. 16. Mod your phone! 
Edit: Connecting Your ROKR by Gordonro
Hello everyone, I had a similar problem wiht my ROKR, it tooke me AGES to connect it.
Here Is a Guide for connecting the ROKR:
The only program I needed was motomidiman NOTE: you need to go through steps 3 - 7 IN BOTH MEMORY CARD MODE AND DATA/FAX MODE (change the settings in 'settings>connectivity>USB settings>Default Memory connection>
1. Download and Install motomidiman and go into the settings menu 2. Tick the box that sais 'autodetect com port' 3. Plug in your phone 4. Everytime windows sais it has discovered new hardware say that you want to show the correct folder to search for the drivers 5. Pick the fold Drv in your motomidiman dirrectory 6. Wait for it to find it and the install (CLICK CONTNUE ANYWAY WHEN IT WINGES ABOUT NOT PASSING WINDOWS LOGO TESTING) 7. Windows should say your device is set up and ready to go 8. Motomidiman should now be able to connect to your phone and see a list of all your java applications !!YOU ARE DONE!!
NOTE: In order to get other P2K programs to connect to your phone, open motomidiman FIRST and get it to connect to your phoen, leave motomidiman running and open your other P2K programs they should open as already connected.
HELP: If you have already done this but told windows to cancel the driver installation, windows would have said you device may not work properly, in order to fix this you must:
YOUR PHONE MSUT BE CONNECTED THROUOUT THIS WHOLE PRECESS 1. Go into the Control Panel 2. GO in System 3. Select the tab Hardware 4. Clikc on Device Manager 5. In Device manager Go into View and Select By Connection 6. Now expand all of the USB connections and expand all of the sybfolders untill you find your Mobile/Cell Phone 7. Right mouse click on all of tis components (starting with the last ones) and right mouse click and cick 'Uninstall Device' 8. When Finished disconect your phone and begin the steps in the previouse guideWell I hope this guide helps  Thanks to Gordonro for the ROKR guide
Last Updated ( Saturday, 10 June 2006 )