NaNO_Walkman Update Version 2905 It made for fixed bugs that found on NaNO_Walkman49R
This MP is for E398/ROKR with BL 07.D0 or ROKR with BL 0A.02 only!!!
Flash program recommended: FlashBackup (version 3 or above) Tested successfully in E398/ROKR with BL 07.D0 and ROKR with BL 0A.02
-->Always Pray & Full Backup before process!
Firmware : R373_G_0E.30.49R (original firmware) Flex : NaN0_WalKmaN DSP : 6237D700 mod by Me GT/PT : GT NaN0 by Me System Sound : NaNO sysound DRM : Walkman Edition Edit by Me Technology : Quad-band GSM Language : 002E English 6 fonts
Update: -Fixed Bugs on CG1 -Remove battery expand 6 indicator -Fixed Java Heap 1100 (previous version got bugs on corelet) -Speed data acces on multimedia -Update elfpack (build use libgen 2.3 for working tunes 2.4.1) -Change iTunes with 4.53 by Poer (edit the defaulft skin) -Many more Repack version updates: - Battery life is much better - Fixed bugs on camera capture - Increased list suite - Update patches - Elfpack Build Libgen 3.5
Download the MP for complete description
Special Thx to: - - Special for All walkman series skin n DRM maker - All motomodders in the world - All motousers member - All motolovers member - Genius Russian Motomodders @,,,, - gayoe, kecap, Zh@ng-L14ng, zigot, sysmaster, montox, motomaniacs, are_goenk, Nalimen, Ahn-jar, Mboent, Herry, Ozz, rahmattaharudin, rotiQ, Seagate, iPunk @ - mig33's Molo (dyrtys_my_luv, motomaniacs, ketchup_aja, rokr_e1, ronnee, enslaved._.666, prince_of_the_damned, si.montox, si.zigot, dejayuzz, ianseventh, keaglez, dustin_89, redkingmaster, last.stand, kenzonatra, rheezz, penjaga_pintu_neraka, yellow_azumi, bunga_sefia, si_maniezt, zorvaz, shessoumaru, lanz_gie, tegezan, ary_co_19, de_sebastian007, imander_tempur, kondhil, tx_brown, lyldans, incubusholic, dreamteather, rocktizz, dirgonafis) - All people who help me on this MP, sory if I can't mention one by one
Hope you enjoy this
Download 2905 E398 version or 2905 ROKR E1 version
You can also get the old E398 Repack version or the old ROKR E1 Repack versionUsers who still enjoy the first version can get the old E398 version or old ROKR E1 version
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