Thursday, 20 July 2006 |
Contents : - Skin - wallpapers - mma_ucp - Vassio iTunes with MILK skin & customized mediaviewer icons 
This skin has a different allignment of menu items - its 4x3 (4 icons vertically & 3 icons horizontally.) SO ONCE U INSTALL THE SKIN, THE MENU WILL BE JUMBLED UP. To get this right, u have to copy the mma_ucp given in the pack to A/MOBILE/SYSTEM folder of the phone. (It will replace the default mma_ucp file.) U can also use a great java app FILE CHANGER to use multiple mma_ucp files. 
Those who dont want to use the mma_ucp file provided can edit their own file using P2K MENU EDITOR. Make sure the menu items are in the order as shown in the screenshot provided in the pack.
Download HEREAlso here is a basic set of icons for Milk DRM:
 Download HERE
Last Updated ( Thursday, 20 July 2006 )