Due to an EXTREMELY close shave with my E398 i decided to make this thread on how these phones can be revived.
It has been said that: E398 CAN NEVER DIE COMPLETELY
So here is a guide on how to keep your beloved phone alive Please read the entire section you are looking at before using it.
It will contain the following:
-How to backup your phone using ramldr and flashbackup -How to revive your phone using ramldr and flashbackup -How to force your phone into bootloader -How to create a new PDS
The best thing you can do to keep your phone alive is to back it up regulalry. You can use either Ramldr or FlashBackup. Either way it is an absolute must!
Using Ramldr
First off, load up Ramldr, make sure you have the associated 'ldr.bin' and if you wish to make a PDS backup the 'ldr_pds.bin'. Next boot up your phone in bootloader. Do this by holding down *+# then pressing the power on button. If you are having trouble getting into bootloader then see 'Forcing Your Phone into Bootloader' later on in this guide....the chances are you will already have a dead phone if you need to do that However, one other method of bootloading is by taking the battery out, holding down *+# then inserting the battery.
Now onto making the backup...
First off, connect the phone so you see 'connected' in the bottom left of the ramldr window. Next type '03FD0000' into the 'Base Addr' field and '03FD0010' into the 'Entry Addr' field. Next hit 'Send RamLdr'. You should see the following in the log:
You need to see the exact thing, not anything else, if you do not see the bottom line then your phone's rom is already erased, which means there is nothing to dump! In this case see the 'Restoring Backups with Ramldr' in the next section. Anyway if you do see the above carry on...
To backup your phone type '10000000' in the 'Base Addr' field and '12000000' in the 'Entry Addr' field then hit 'Save Mem'. Now watch the log, the first thing you should see is 'DUMP10000000 ok' and the last thing you should see is 'DUMP 11FF0000 ok'. Next chack the folder where 'ldr.bin' is and check for a file called '10000000', it's size should be 33 554 432 bytes, not more, not less. Next make a backup copy of this so that you always have a backup of your phone 
Now press restart and disconnect your phone. Technically you can now do anything to your phone except change the bootloader to an unsupported bootloader 
If you wish to make a PDS backup (especially usefull for converting to ROKR) then follow these steps:
First off, connect the phone so you see 'connected' in the bottom left of the ramldr window. Next type '03FD0000' into the 'Base Addr' field and '03FD0010' into the 'Entry Addr' field. Next hit 'Send RamLdr'. You should see the following in the log:
You need to see the exact thing, not anything else, if you do not see the bottom line then your phone's rom is already erased, which means there is nothing to dump! In this case see the 'Restoring Backups with Ramldr' in the next section. Anyway if you do see the above carry on...To backup your phone type '10000000' in the 'Base Addr' field and '12000000' in the 'Entry Addr' field then hit 'Save Mem'. Now watch the log, the first thing you should see is 'DUMP10000000 ok' and the last thing you should see is 'DUMP 11FF0000 ok'. Next chack the folder where 'ldr.bin' is and check for a file called '10000000', it's size should be 33 554 432 bytes, not more, not less. Next make a backup copy of this so that you always have a backup of your phone Now press restart and disconnect your phone. Technically you can now do anything to your phone except change the bootloader to an unsupported bootloader If you wish to make a PDS backup (especially usefull for converting to ROKR) then follow these steps:First off, connect the phone so you see 'connected' in the bottom left of the ramldr window. Next type '03FD0000' into the 'Base Addr' field and '03FD0010' into the 'Entry Addr' field. Next hit 'Send RamLdr'. You should see the following in the log:ADDR‑03FD0000AD JUMP‑03FD0010AE
You need to see the exact thing, not anything else, if you do not see the bottom line then your phone's rom is already erased, which means there is nothing to dump! In this case see the 'Restoring Backups with Ramldr' in the next section. Anyway if you do see the above carry on...
Type '10010000' into the 'Base Addr' field and '10020000' into the 'Entry Addr' field, then press 'Save Mem'. In the log, you should see 'DUMP 10010000 ok'. That is all you wil see for a PDS backup. Next do the same as before, check the 'ldr_pds.bin' folder for a file named '10010000' with a size of 65 536 bytes, and once again backup your backup to a safe place 
Now you're all done!
Restoring Backups with Ramldr
Ok, so you've killed your phone and you want it back.... Well here is how...
Start up Ramldr and connect the phone. If your phone has already been erased then you will see 'connected' anyway, next try to start up the phone in flash mode. If you cannot, and you still see 'Connected' then carry on, but you may need to force the phone into bootloader (later on in this guide). Hit 'Send Ramldr' and choose 'ldr_all.bin' and make sure the log says:
So far you are doing ok... Next hit 'Erase' and wait for the log to say 'ACK Erase', you will have to wait between 4-6 minutes for this. However, if you restart the phone after '4.', your phone will reboot in blank flash mode. When this happens you can restore your binary backup (made earlier on), the only thing is you will not see 'ACK Erase' in the log, but this is ok.
When the phone has rebooted, type '10000000' in the 'Base Addr' field and hit 'Send Binary', then select your previously made backup. Now watch the log...you should see...
uploading binary data ADDR 1000000081
Now wait until it says 'ADDR 11FE0000AD' press restart and yippeee! Your phone is alive again!
Restoring your PDS backup
Another way of reviving your phone is by restoring someone else's full backup, HOWEVER, you must have your own PDS backup to do this, otherwise you will have a phone that will oly ever boot in flash mode!
So lets say you have loaded someone else's backup onto your phone at this point (see restoring backups with ramldr), you now need to resotre your own pds. To do this run Ramldr and connect the phone in ramldr. Hit 'Send Ramldr' and choose 'ldr_pds.bin' and then watch the log...
So far so good... Now press erase and ramldr will erase only the current pds zone of the phone (10010000 - 10020000). You will then see 'ACK Erase' in the log. Now you need to type '10010000' into the 'Base Addr' field and hit 'Send Binary', you will see the following in the log...
ADDR 1001000082
Since this is a PDS restore that is all you will see, now hit 'Restart' and unplug the cable, you now have a working phone! So far you are doing ok... Next hit 'Erase' and wait for the log to say 'ACK Erase', you will have to wait between 4-6 minutes for this. However, if you restart the phone after '4.', your phone will reboot in blank flash mode. When this happens you can restore your binary backup (made earlier on), the only thing is you will not see 'ACK Erase' in the log, but this is ok.When the phone has rebooted, type '10000000' in the 'Base Addr' field and hit 'Send Binary', then select your previously made backup. Now watch the log...you should see...uploading binary dataADDR 1000000081Now wait until it says 'ADDR 11FE0000AD' press restart and yippeee! Your phone is alive again!Another way of reviving your phone is by restoring someone else's full backup, HOWEVER, you must have your own PDS backup to do this, otherwise you will have a phone that will oly ever boot in flash mode!So lets say you have loaded someone else's backup onto your phone at this point (see restoring backups with ramldr), you now need to resotre your own pds. To do this run Ramldr and connect the phone in ramldr. Hit 'Send Ramldr' and choose 'ldr_pds.bin' and then watch the log...ADDR 03FD0000ADJUMP 03FD0010AEACK JUMP,03FD0010So far so good... Now press erase and ramldr will erase only the current pds zone of the phone (10010000 - 10020000). You will then see 'ACK Erase' in the log. Now you need to type '10010000' into the 'Base Addr' field and hit 'Send Binary', you will see the following in the log...ADDR 1001000082Since this is a PDS restore that is all you will see, now hit 'Restart' and unplug the cable, you now have a working phone! NOTE: Only EVER restore your own pds to your phone...never someone else's....if you do not have a pds backup see 'Creating a PDS' later on in this guide. A couple of things to remember...
1. Always make sure your battery is fully charged, unless you have a cable with a power socket. 2. Never start a backup with Erase 3. You only need 'Base Addr' when restoring a backup 4. Enjoy your phone! Thanks to Your_Moto_Saver for the great guide, all of this info came from him, i just reworded it a bit...THANKS MAN! Backing up your phone with FlashBackup 2.3 and above (A bit easier!)
Load up FlashBackup and hit the 'Setup' tab.
Choose your language and hit the '...' button and choose where you want your backup to be saved. Next hit the back up button along the top and you'll see a couple of combo boxes and buttons.
Under 'Backup Mode' Make sure 'Full Backup' is selected, and under 'Phone Memory size' select '32 MB'
Now connect your phone and start in bootloader mode (*+#+power) and wait for FlashBackup to say 'Phone is Connected' in green in the bottom left. Now you are ready to go, hit 'Create' and a small message box with a progress bar will pop up and say sending loader to phone, creating backup and then compressing backup, the phone will then be shutdown and your backup will be in the folder that you specified in the setup tab.
It is also advised that you make a PDS backup. Do this by selecting PDS Backup rather than Full backup and follow the same procedure as before (Basically hitting start!!) and wait for it to complete, it should take much less time than a Full Backup.
NOW you are ready to mod!!
Restoring backups using FlashBackup
Load up FlashBackup and in the setup tab hit the '...' button and select the directory where you backup is. Next connnect your phone in bootloader.
Now hit the 'Backups' tab. Under 'Restore Backups' select 'Backup From Your Phone' and then hit the '...' button and select the backup you wish to use, then hit 'Restore' The same window as when you are backup up will appear, it will first say 'Sending Loader, Erasing memory (This process doesn't show) then finally Restoring Backup. Your phone will then be shut down, then woohoo your phone is alive! EDIT: I have found that if the phone can be recognised whilst dead, even with out bootloader, so long as FB says connected then try to restore a backup. It may warn you about not being able to send loader, continue anyway and it should restore the backup! (Only tested with FB 2.5)
Restoring PDS Using FlashBackup
Load up FlashBackup and connect the phone in Flash Mode, next hit 'Setup' and choose the directory where your PDS Backup is. Now hit 'Backups' choose 'PDS Backup' from 'Backup Mode' then choose your PDS backup under 'Restore Backups' and hit 'Restore'. Your phone will have the PDS restored and will the nbe shut down.
SUCCESS! You have an alive E398. As you can see, this is a much easier way of backing up/restoring you phone, i have found it just as reliable in my experience. Forcing Your Phone into Bootloader
If you have killed your phone and you can't get it into bootloader, can't erase with ramldr etc you are probably thinking that it is paperweight forever. Well, don't panic there are still a couple of methods to get it back!
First off all remove the battery from your phone. Look at the P2K Connector on the bottom of the phone. Count 4 pins across from the right and then use a piece of bent wiire/needle/whatever! to short pins 4+5 from the right, then insert the battery

This will force your phone into bootloader, it is supposed to work with BL 07.D0 and below, i have personally tested 07.D0 and 07.E0. If you look in Muncheno's sig and goto to his esnips account, he has made a video showing you how to use this method (Thanks Man!)
Once your phone is in bootloader you can restore a backup / flash the phone. You may need to try shorting the pins a couple of times cos you don't always get it right!
How to create a new PDS
Right, so you've killed you phone AND lost your PDS backup....erm...what next? Well goto MotLab and download Moto Repair Studio Demo. Next load up MRS and choose E398 from the drop down box and connect the phone, then hit Repair. (Warning: This will erase your phone's rom without warning!)
Now follow the steps and have your pds recreated! Then boot up in bootloader and re-flash your phone.
The only side-effect of this is that your bluetooth address will be reset to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, in this case you will not be able to use bluetooth. When this happens follow abomination's guide here:
Ab's Guide to fixing Bluetooth (Cheers dude!)
If you cannot create your PDS goto the following URL for more detailed instructions on this method and another way to create a PDS.
PDS Creation
Right, you should now have an alive phone. If the answer to this is still no, then you may have to perfrom the testpoint method on your phone. I did not put this in my guide step by step because there is a fantastic guide here:
Testpoint Method